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Outdoor Post Light Fixtures

Outdoor post light fixtures provide many benefits, come in many designs, and are available in four different types of bulbs. The benefits from outdoor lighting include ambiance, security and safety. And also enhancing focal points and may be of further benefit according to the type of bulb chosen.

The styles of outdoor post light fixtures include rustic, traditional, cottage, coastal, modern, and admission, as well as commercial and industrial. The choice of bulb type is a feature that may require a bit more research. And information about bulb types for outdoor post light fixtures follows. The bulb types are Incandescent, fluorescent, LED, and CFL.

Bright Ideas for Your Outdoor Space: Discover Our Incandescent Outdoor Post Light Fixtures

Illuminate your outdoor spaces with elegance and charm using our incandescent outdoor post light fixtures. At the Mel Northey Co. Inc., we pride ourselves on offering high-quality, stylish, and durable lighting solutions that perfectly blend classic aesthetics with modern functionality.

Our incandescent outdoor post lights are designed to enhance the beauty and safety of your outdoor areas. Whether you’re lighting a pathway, driveway, garden, or patio, these fixtures provide a warm, inviting glow that transforms any space into a welcoming retreat. The timeless appeal of incandescent lighting is unmatched, delivering a soft, natural light that complements any outdoor setting.

One of the standout features of our outdoor post lights is their versatility. We offer a range of designs, from traditional to contemporary, ensuring you find the perfect match for your home’s exterior. Each fixture is crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring longevity and resistance to the elements. Our durable construction means you can enjoy beautiful lighting year-round without worrying about weather damage.

Customization is at the heart of our offerings. You can choose from various heights, finishes, and design details to create a look that is uniquely yours. Our incandescent outdoor post lights come with options for different bases and mounts, making installation straightforward and adaptable to your specific needs.

More about incandescent bulbs:

  • Inexpensive to produce and, therefore, cost-efficient for buyers.
  • Ideal for lighting small spaces but not a good choice for large spaces.
  • Safe to handle and dispose of because there are no toxic substances, such as mercury.
  • It is not very energy efficient since only about 10% of the energy used actually creates light.
  • The part of the bulb that doesn’t produce light produces heat.
  • Other types of bulbs for outdoor post light fixtures have a better lifespan.

Safety is also a key consideration in our designs. Our lights are engineered to provide optimal illumination for pathways and driveways, reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing the overall security of your property. The warm, consistent light output of incandescent bulbs ensures that your outdoor spaces are well-lit and inviting, creating a safe and comfortable environment for family and guests.

In conclusion, our incandescent outdoor post-light fixtures are more than just lighting solutions—they are a statement of style and quality. With their elegant designs, robust construction, and customizable options, they offer a perfect blend of beauty and functionality. Illuminate your outdoor spaces with the timeless charm of incandescent lighting from Mel Northey Co. Inc., and experience the difference in quality and style.

Fluorescent Bulbs and LED Lights

Outdoor post light fixtures are sometimes made with fluorescent light bulbs. The benefits of fluorescent bulbs are in comparison with incandescent lights. This is because they last up to ten times longer. They also use about one-fourth less energy.

Fluorescent bulbs are more expensive, but they last up to a full year, depending on the specific type of bulb. The environmental consideration for outdoor post light fixtures that utilize fluorescent bulbs is that they use trace amounts of mercury and must be recycled.

LEDs are considered by many to be the best choice for outdoor post light fixtures, though they are not without their downsides.

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Where can you buy bulk outdoor post light fixtures in the area?

The following are a few of the good and bad attributes of LED’s:

  • LEDs are the longest-lasting bulbs available at 50,000 hours.
  • There are no toxic materials or any other kinds of hazardous materials in LEDs.
  • Cooling costs can be lowered with the use of LEDs because the bulbs create less heat than other bulbs.
  • It is estimated that one LED light for outdoor post light fixtures prevents about a half-ton of harmful greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere.
  • LEDs cost more than other bulbs, averaging between $10 and $30.

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)

Over the lifetime of a CFL, it is estimated that electricity costs can be saved. CFLs are less expensive than other energy efficient bulbs and are readily available. CFLs last about ten times longer than incandescent bulbs.

On the downside, CFLs contain mercury, which is a harmful toxin. There is also evidence that the bulbs dim in a relatively short amount of time.

We Got You Covered!

Whichever type of bulb you choose for your outdoor post light fixtures, you can’t go wrong if you choose the design that suits your needs and your taste. Call us today! We cant wait to help brighten up your project and take some of the stress away.